Your Soul's Promise Consultation
Service Description
More than just a natal birth chart reading, your Soul's Promise Consultation will take a holistic look at your astrological blueprint. Together with Aimee you will uncover the areas in your life that may be challenging and those that may be effortless, where you shine, and where you need some extra love & attention. In our session together, you will learn about the structure you were born with, your Life Lessons, what is currently going on for you in the sky, and practical tools to help you navigate these newly discovered paths. Astrology is a beautiful gift that shows us the way. As we travel around your chart, you will be realigned with your Soul's Purpose in a way that will shine a light on your highest potential. The intention of this session is for it to be prophetic and life-changing. Understanding the nuances of our unique astrological blueprint gives you the power to make effective and profound change to step into your highest potential in this life. Awareness is the key to change! Being able to uncover the reasons why we behave in a certain way, think the way we do, feel everything so deeply, or doubt our innate wisdom allows us to be put back in the driver's seat on our journey to our Soul's Promise in this lifetime. During your Consultation with Aimee: • You will meet in the comfort of your own home via Zoom • You will gain insights into your unique characteristics • You will discover your areas of growth • You will learn about ways to enhance the parts of your life that may feel imbalanced or stagnant • You will be advised on practical lifestyle changes that will help support those areas that need some extra TLC After your Consultation, Aimee will formulate aromatic or herbal remedies that will best support your realignment with Your Soul's Promise. Aimee creates and holds the space needed for you to realign with your Soul's Promise. Your consultation is 90 minutes long. Please prepare a space that is free from distractions. You are welcome to take notes. Your session will be recorded and the audio will be emailed to you so that you can review the material as often as you like.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, contact us 48 hours in advance of your appointment.
Contact Details
326 Flat Top Mountain Road, Fairview, NC, USA