Career Path Consultation
Service Description
Are you feeling lost or uninspired with your career? It is possible that the path you are on is not aligned with your astrological blueprint. When this occurs, you can feel indifferent, stagnant, and even frustrated with the work you are doing. Aimee will help guide you towards your intended career path. This focused process will show you career goals and topics that will optimize your natural talents and enhance your potential for success. This consultation gives great detail into several areas around your career path, such as career topics, goals, aspirations, leadership skills, work ethic, preferred work environments, co-workers and employee relations, earning potential, financial blockages and advantages, career satisfaction, notoriety, and more! This is a very in-depth look into your career path. During your Consultation with Aimee: • You will meet in the comfort of your own home via Zoom • You will gain insights into your unique talents and traits • You will discover your areas of success potential • You will learn ways to enhance or transform the parts of your career that may feel imbalanced or stagnant • You will be given a list of potential career choices that best align with your unique astrological blueprint Your consultation is 45 minutes. Please prepare a space that is free from distractions. You are welcome to take notes. Your session will be recorded and the audio will be emailed to you so that you can review the material as often as you like.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, contact us 48 hours in advance of your appointment.
Contact Details
326 Flat Top Mountain Road, Fairview, NC, USA